Commission: Go ye therefore, and teach all nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:19,20

Who we are

San Andres Mission Trip

We are a group of Seventh-Day Adventist Church members serving God. We are sponsored financially by numerous donors in Western countries, mostly Seventh-day Adventist Church members.

We go to the Philippines, especially remote areas where there is no Adventist presence. Our first work is to help people physically (we are supported by a team of medical professionals who provide free medical, dental and optical services to the people. We also apply and teach natural remedies that the people can use effectively in their own homes). This provides the opportunity to help them spiritually (by sharing the word of God through evangelistic meetings for adults and children, giving one on one or group bible studies). We send Bible Workers into prospective areas to develop interest before we go there and to nurture the new church after we have been there. We also assist local people with the building of local churches. All this is done in cooperation with the nearest local Seventh-day Adventist churches, Pastors and the local Conference.


San Andres SDA Church
From January 19
To February 6

Church Building

This coming January 19-February 6 Essence of health Ministry will be heading to San Andres, Quezon, Philippines to build a proper church building for our New Believers in Christ.


Address Seventh Avenue, Kendenup, WA 6323